Wednesday, March 25, 2015

More free stuff from WOTC

WOTC has just posted a link to download the "Elemental Evil Player's Companion" PDF.  I have not had a chance to read it yet but it looks really cool. Did I mention that its free?

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Dungeonpocolypse lessons learned

The forces of good were overwhelming. Each person controlling a party of six miniatures was too much. Even though there were casualties along the way there is still enough power left to make the last two tiles a forgone conclusion.

The old school pace of the dungeon allow the party time to regroup and heal between doors. This kept them marching forward altogether as an unstoppable juggernaut. Next time have the doors to the next area open at the most inopportune time bringing evil in before they are ready.

The last point would be to add more pathways to the adventure. The way I designed this dungeon there was essentially only one way through it made things easy to keep track of for me but predictable for the group.

Take a look at the list below of everything they have killed so far.

2 Fiendish Trex
2 Troll Slashers
2 Bullette
1 Behir
3 Fiendish Girallon
1 Purple Worm
2 Goblin Underboss
Lareth the Beautiful
1 Drow Cleric of Lolth
2 Teifling Blademaster
2 Yuan-Ti Half-blood Sorcerer
Half Orc Executioner
King Obould Many Arrows
Bugbear Champion of Erthnel
Trogledyte Barbarian
Dark Moon Monk
5 Flame Skulls
6 Hobgoblin Archers
5 Hobgoblin Sargents
1 Demonic Gnoll Archer
1 Clay Golem
2 Stone Golems
2 Berserk Flesh Golems
1 Iron Golem
1 Blood Ghost Berserker
1 Cleric of Lagozed
1 Drow Guard
2 Drider Sorcerers
2 Formorian Giants
4 Feral Minotaurs
1 Beholder
Aspect of Nerull
Boneclaw Impaler
Death Priest of Orcus
2 Terror Wights
King Snurre
Fire Giant Raider
3 Orc Maulers
2 Tanarack
Half-fiend Ogre
Blood Hulk Fighter
Githyanki Fighter
3 Ogre Skirmisher

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Dungeonpocolypse part 3

Last night was part three of the Dungeonpocolyse game. The party started where they left off a few months ago. So, with great enthusiasm they opened the door to the next room and waited to see what was next.

The Undead

The first room of the night contained undead nightmares. The Death Priest of Orcus was an unwelcome surprise but the teams were able to push through.

Old King Coal

King Snurre and  an Erinyes demon awaited them in the next room. The group finally overcame the fire giants and their allies. No one felt her was a jolly old soul.

The Balor

Not much to say about this room. The Balor gave and took a pounding before the group advanced.

The Marilth

There is something about a six armed snake demon that gets the party excited. Multiple disintegrate spells later she was down. The Vrock in this room did not last much longer.

Monsters killed
Aspect of Nerull
Boneclaw Impaler
Death Priest of Orcus
Terror Wight (x2)
King Snurre
Fire Giant Raider
Orc Mauler (x3)
Tanarack (x2)
Half-fiend Ogre
Blood Hulk Fighter
Githyanki Fighter
Ogre Skirmisher (x3)

The bottom line is that the group did not finish. They had only two tiles left to explore but it was getting late. So far the it has taken 15 hours to get through 16 tiles.

The Party prepares to face the undead.

 The Allies muster in front of the doorway.

The battle rages. The Aspect of Nerull holds the forces of good at the door.
 The battle continues....
 King Snurre and his forces.
 The Marilith is already gone. The ogres try to hold the line.