Friday, May 14, 2021

A Now a Word from ....

 I have been unable to paint the last few days but I decided this was a post I needed to make. If nothing else it gives me a bunch of the web links, I use all in the same place. Several times in my step-by-step painting series I have mentioned Star Breach and Star Grave. 

I am a big fan of the sci-fi miniatures offered by a certain big company. At least its a big company in the gaming hobby. Their rules though, not so much. That is why I sought out systems to replace those rules.

Free is good. I like free. I also like skirmish level games Elijah M. Kellog has created three skirmish level games that are miniatures agnostic: Star Breach, Supers and NCO. The system uses a streamlined mechanic for attacks and random activations. The PDF of the basic rules for all three of these is free to download with no strings attached. They do sell a physical version and a deluxe version of Star Breach but you don't need them to play.

The most fun idea of Star Breach is that you can play as just about any science fiction faction. You can play as warriors of “The Path" as they battle "The Hive". Maybe the "Legion of Mankind" is having a dust up with the "Machine Cult". It is all up to you and your opponent.  If you have minis for it there is probably a faction for it.

The next set of free rules encompasses both fantasy and science fiction. One Page Rules is your one stop shop for both army level rules and skirmish rules. Their two rules are "Age of Fantasy" and "Grimdark Future". They have not only rules but all of the army codices for any faction you'd like to try. One Page rules also offers paper minis to play and Patreon supported stl files for printing your own army.

They also offer skirmish level rules in GF: Firefight and AoF: Skirmish. The rules are not as innovative as the Star Breach rules but this could make them easier to learn if you are used to a certain big company's rules. For volume of rules and supplements you cannot beat One Page Rules. Several YouTubers broadcast battle reports for the Grimdark Future rules if you want to see them in action.

If you prefer your free skirmish rules with a healthy serving of strange and quirky you have come to the right place. Ishtar, the Sumerian goddess of life and death is displeased with her lack of worship. She has created a pocket dimension and captured people and creatures from the past, present and future to battle for her glory. Any models can be used fantasy, science fiction and even historical figures.

There is a free ruleset available but the catch is that you have to join their page on social media to receive an invitation to download the rules. It’s a strange arrangement but you can always unfriend them after you have the rules.

The last generic miniature ruleset is not free. It is Stargrave by Joseph McCullough by Osprey Publishing. The PDF is $24.50 and the hardcover is $35.00. This game is far different than any of the previous titles.

It is a skirmish level game where each player creates the crew of a starship travelling a collapsing galactic civilization to gather data to sell in order to make a living. You create a captain and a first mate first and these are more like RPG characters as they can level up and gain new skills and powers. After their creation you have 400 credits to purchase a crew to use to gather data throughout the galaxy.

The campaign is a series of scenarios that are played through by two to four crews each attempting to earn credits for new and better crew and improved equipment. The link below contains the crew creation sheet link and a short PDF about captains, mates and crew positions.


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