Friday, May 14, 2021

A Now a Word from ....

 I have been unable to paint the last few days but I decided this was a post I needed to make. If nothing else it gives me a bunch of the web links, I use all in the same place. Several times in my step-by-step painting series I have mentioned Star Breach and Star Grave. 

I am a big fan of the sci-fi miniatures offered by a certain big company. At least its a big company in the gaming hobby. Their rules though, not so much. That is why I sought out systems to replace those rules.

Free is good. I like free. I also like skirmish level games Elijah M. Kellog has created three skirmish level games that are miniatures agnostic: Star Breach, Supers and NCO. The system uses a streamlined mechanic for attacks and random activations. The PDF of the basic rules for all three of these is free to download with no strings attached. They do sell a physical version and a deluxe version of Star Breach but you don't need them to play.

The most fun idea of Star Breach is that you can play as just about any science fiction faction. You can play as warriors of “The Path" as they battle "The Hive". Maybe the "Legion of Mankind" is having a dust up with the "Machine Cult". It is all up to you and your opponent.  If you have minis for it there is probably a faction for it.

The next set of free rules encompasses both fantasy and science fiction. One Page Rules is your one stop shop for both army level rules and skirmish rules. Their two rules are "Age of Fantasy" and "Grimdark Future". They have not only rules but all of the army codices for any faction you'd like to try. One Page rules also offers paper minis to play and Patreon supported stl files for printing your own army.

They also offer skirmish level rules in GF: Firefight and AoF: Skirmish. The rules are not as innovative as the Star Breach rules but this could make them easier to learn if you are used to a certain big company's rules. For volume of rules and supplements you cannot beat One Page Rules. Several YouTubers broadcast battle reports for the Grimdark Future rules if you want to see them in action.

If you prefer your free skirmish rules with a healthy serving of strange and quirky you have come to the right place. Ishtar, the Sumerian goddess of life and death is displeased with her lack of worship. She has created a pocket dimension and captured people and creatures from the past, present and future to battle for her glory. Any models can be used fantasy, science fiction and even historical figures.

There is a free ruleset available but the catch is that you have to join their page on social media to receive an invitation to download the rules. It’s a strange arrangement but you can always unfriend them after you have the rules.

The last generic miniature ruleset is not free. It is Stargrave by Joseph McCullough by Osprey Publishing. The PDF is $24.50 and the hardcover is $35.00. This game is far different than any of the previous titles.

It is a skirmish level game where each player creates the crew of a starship travelling a collapsing galactic civilization to gather data to sell in order to make a living. You create a captain and a first mate first and these are more like RPG characters as they can level up and gain new skills and powers. After their creation you have 400 credits to purchase a crew to use to gather data throughout the galaxy.

The campaign is a series of scenarios that are played through by two to four crews each attempting to earn credits for new and better crew and improved equipment. The link below contains the crew creation sheet link and a short PDF about captains, mates and crew positions.


Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Next Up

The next group are from the GW Kharadon Overlords set. So far they have gotten the bronze drybrush, base colors, washes and highlighting. I have also started to add variance to the metal colors on the model to bring out more detail.
Grundstock Thunderer with big gun. This could serve as a rocket launcher or small cannon in games.
Ever wish your shotgun had more barrels? This Thunderer does not need to wish.
This Thunderer is sporting some kind of liquid spewing weapon. In game it could be a melter or a flame thrower.
The Endrinmaster. Leader of the Overlords. Indirect firing mortar and bionic assisted hammer.
Big gun and a mechanical parrot. I see a candidate for first mate on a Stargrave crew.
Need a grenade, over there somewhere? This guy is definately a "thunderer"

Ok I will continue to layer on some different metalics as well some area based washes and Nuln oil to bring out some detail. Some painted detail for some of the metal work as well like red for the mechanical parrot and blues for some hoses and wires.

Saturday, May 8, 2021

12 Down

The first dozen of my Einherjar/Kharadon Overlords force is complete. This group is the base mini from the Einherjar miniatures with a few pieces subbed in from the Overlords set. I don't think this is best group I have ever done but they'll look good on the table in a game of Star Breach or Stargrave. The soldier below could easily serve as a leader of some sort.
The next four are the plasma gunners looking to put a hurt on the enemies from a distance. 
Below is a heavy weapon's expert. He's looking to make a big splash on the battlefield.
Many of the Einherjar still want to hit things. The powered weapons make the idea of hitting things even more attractive. The figures below are all game to manuever into position to melee their opponents.
Every force needs a little fire of the forge. The figure below is all set to provide a little heat where needed. Beards are never practical around flame.
Old Wayne is a survivor. Armed with a machine pistol and a power dagger he is ready to inflict some damage!
There you have the first group. I tried to get some better pictures for the finale so that the detail can be more clearly seen. Now I have nine Overlords and an airship to complete.

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Harder to See a Difference

The only difference since the last update is an application of Nuln oil and a highlight on the bronze armor with a mixture of Weapon Bronze and Bright Gold. 
The next item would be to highlight the facial hair with one more (lighter) color. 
After that I will add as many details into each model to try and make them pop more.
At this point I think they'll be a success from the standpoint they can easily be used in games of Star Breach, Operation: Last Train and Stargrave.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

How About oops?

The oops part is that I forgot to take any pictures after I applied the washes. The pictures below have been taken after washes and some highlighting have been applied. In some cases I have even started on some of the details.
The fellows above are ready to take it to the enemy with their plasma rifles.
More variety and a view from the back.
Strange blue flare on the beard mask of the leader. Trust me there is no blue there.
Mr. Melee is you please!
A better view of the detail on one of the backpacks.
Next steps: first some black lining with Nuln Oil. Then more highlighting on the bronze armor and the naural beards. Then detailing the pieces that still need a little love.

Monday, April 26, 2021

Ready for Some Washes

I have been blocking in all the other colors that I would not consider details. Pants, shirts, skin beards, etc. The next steps will be adding some washes to these colors.
Once all of the washes are done on this group I will begin the process of highlighting and perhaps a little detail work. I did add the "power" effects to the melee weapons which would probably be considered a detail but I am not sure what else I am going to do with them.

Monday, April 19, 2021

Slow Progress

Slowly blocking in other colors than bronze. The two directly below have their pants and shirts painted. It makes for a stark look when the bronze is mostly shaded and the new colors are all at "full strength".
A few more colors have been added to figures below. They are starting to look like they might turn out ok

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Steampunk Dwarf force next stepsteps

The next step was liberal drybrush in weapon bronze. Because of the nature of these models bronze is the dominant color. I could decide to change some of the weapon colors but not yet. The picture below is a sampling of models with their drybrush of Weapon Bronze.
Now to begin painting all the items that are not bronze. In progress is several item on each model painted in Golden High Flow Acrylic Raw Sienna. The image below has two of the models for which I completed this step, Now I just have to repeat for all the belts, skin (very little really), pouches, tools and other bits until they start to look less like statues and more like dwarves. Thinking about it now the next steps will probably be pants and shirts where they are visible.

Step by Step painting my Dwarf SciFi/Steampunk Force

I am going to show step by step my creation of a sci-fi/steam punk dwarf army. I am using the Kharadon Overlords from Games Workshop and the Einherjar from Wargames Atlantic. During the build I swapped in some parts from the GW kit into the WA kit to make them a little funkier. 

Above is the state of the models after giving them a prime of black spray paint and an attempt to zenethal highlight them with white spray paint. The paint was not the best and the coverage was spotty  but at least the paint was smooth.
The next step was to even out the zenethal highlighting using Golden High Flow Acrylic Tittinium White using a dry brush technique. Now the white on the top of each model is far smoother and the dark of the black is much more shadowy.
The final part of the day's work was using Citadal Contrast paint Snakebite Leather to  coat the models. tThe picture above shows two of the WA Einherjar models one with just the black and white and the other with the Snakebite Leather. The head on the model on the right game from the GW set.  The next step will be to dry brush all of the metal parts with Weapon Bronze by Army Painter. 

The overall goal here is to use mostly warm colors on the armor, weapons and clothing and then highlight the power areas with blue and/or green so that they really pop.

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Big Game Prediction

Today I played through the big game using Blitz Bowl. In the end the Kansas City Orcs lost to the Tampa Bay Dwarves 13-6. It was a lower scoring affair with the Dwarves taking a 2-0 lead before falling behind 6-3. Then the opportunistic Dwarves rattled off 10 straight points to take the game. 
The upclose and personal view of the game early on.

Friday, February 5, 2021

Returning Soon

 Why? I am not completely sure. I feel like there is a lot for me to put out there. I don't know if anyone is reading this but it is cathartic to post. Not much more for now and I also need to fix some links and maybe add few new ones. Hold that thought.